Art’s Body

Very pleased that Theo Cowley is including my ‘Art’s Body’ audio-recording , featuring Jon Thompson, in a Luxus Extension event in Brussels celebrating Jon’s life and contribution to the arts on Friday, June 30th.

Screen Shot 2017-06-08 at 13.37.50 (1)Michael Phillipson/Jon Thompson, Amelia Saul/Claude Wampler, Axelle Stiefel

 Luxus Extension

Art’s Body

This event brings together works made between artists for particular contexts and in various forms of collaboration. The works deal, on some level, with what is extra, yet intrinsic to art; the pool of resources that go into its production.

Michael Phillipson’s audio work ‘Art’s Body: A Largely Sedentary Masque for Three Personae’ is a recording of a voice-text performance. Written by Michael Phillipson and performed by Michael Phillipson, Jon Thompson and Paul Filmer, during Jon Thompson’s exhibition ‘Ars Universitas by Jon Thompson’ at the John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, UK in 1985.

Sadly, Jon Thompson died in 2016 while we were preparing this event. We have inserted Willem Oorebeek’s ‘Regarding the Towers of Babel by Jon Thompson’, 2006 and a silkscreen print by Jon Thompson from the above exhibition.

Axelle Stiefel’s video documents a performance intervention, one of 3 produced for a program of live video streamed performances called ‘Performance Proletarians’ at Le Magasin, Grenoble in 2014.

Claude Wampler and Amelia Saul’s performance ‘N’a pas un gramme de charisme’ was performed at The Kitchen, New York City in 2013. Amelia Saul’s ‘The Script’, 2013 is a post-performance intermission leak “from the document dropped in lieu of a programme on the heads of the audience during the day of Claude Wampler and Amelia Saul’s performance ‘N’a pas un gramme de charisme’ (The Kitchen, New York City in 2013.)”

Video and sound event, Friday 30th June, doors 7pm, starts 7.30pm prompt. No admission after.

Résidence Aviation Luchtvaartsquare 7/Square de l’Aviation 7 Brussels 1070